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UneParJour - des photographes au quotidien

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Destinataire: rédaction uneparjour et auteur de l'image

Concerne la photographie: upj_traunig2563

Paradise - 16 heures 53Un des nombreux paysages qui a servi d'arrière plan au Seigneur des Anneaux.

« According to research cited in the article, 'fake memories don't just distort how we see our past, they affect our current and future behaviour too'. This has dangerous consequences when an image is faked with the intent to deceive. As Eveleth writes 'people trust photographs so much that they actually place more weight on information that is accompanied with an image, regardless of how related or useful that image is.' And to complicate matters further, studies have shown that we're more inclined to 'remember' things that reinforce our opinions or prejudices. »

Sources BBC

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