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UneParJour - des photographes au quotidien

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Destinataire: rédaction uneparjour et auteur de l'image

Concerne la photographie: upj_romeosaganash704

Summer DreamsIt seems to happen around about this time of the year every year, with no apparent reason, a voyage by canoe occurs. And I dream that we are going somewhere, but I don't know where. She was in total control in the back, and seemed to know where she was taking us. I, in front, recognized at times some places along the river we travelled, but not entirely. “Where are we going?” I asked. She just smiled. So in silence we went on. The places then seemed more and more familiar as we went, that huge rock in the middle of the lake, that birch leaning over the point as if indicating a direction, that mountain afar, at dusk. As I awoke, I realized she had guided me home.

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